
Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine in Southern Maryland

When we heal ourselves, we heal our ancestors from wounds that run deep in our family. When we heal our ancestors, heal the world from wounds that run deep in humanity.

-Miriam Rose

What are Constellations?

Systemic / Family Constellations is therapeutic model developed by German philosopher and psychotherapist Bert Hellinger. Systemic constellations acknowledges that individuals are part of larger systems – within a family, at the workplace, or even cultural / tribal contexts. Constellation also focuses on the importance of ancestral legacies -loyalties and resources at the soul level. The essence of Family Constellation is “acknowledging what is” – good or bad, and through this acknowledgement, healing can occur and harmony can be restored to the system.

Our life challenges do not always stem from our individual problems or circumstances alone, but may also be systemic and relational in nature, or even inter-generational or historical. We are not always conscious of the gifts or challenges we carry from our ancestors, and giving back what is not ours can free us, while gaining insight into the gifts bestowed upon us can help us embrace and manifest in powerful ways.

How does it work?

During a session, you will be guided to create a ‘living map’ or ‘constellation’ of the issue you are facing with representatives within one’s family, work, relationships or otherwise. This facilitated exploration sheds light on the hidden dynamics, underlying entanglements and possibly even unconscious ancestral legacies which lie at the root of the issue. This is embodied, experiential process allows us to tap into the ‘Knowing Field’ / Universal Consciousness and connect with our own body’s deep wisdom. Constellations facilitates us to transcend narratives that may bind us to reveal deeper truths and opportunities for healing, insight and direction.

Online One-on-one Sessions

30 minutes$50
60 minutes$95
90 minutes$120
Package of Three 1-hour Sessions$225

Constellations Events

We offer a variety of constellations events and trainings.